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Auto Insurance

Florida requires personal injury protection and property damage liability insurance, and you must maintain a valid Sunshine State license plate. In addition to PIP and PDL insurance, you may wish to consider broader coverage to adequately cover your vehicle and protect yourself from financial losses. Old Town Insurance LLC can help you find the right coverage for you and your family. Here is some additional information on the types of coverage to consider.

Bodily Injury Liability

Florida's no-fault insurance is designed to protect FL drivers from frivolous lawsuits. That doesn't mean someone won't sue you. Lawsuits may arise if one of the injured parties was badly hurt or involved in a fatality.

To help cover yourself from these situations, you can purchase bodily injury insurance. If you have this coverage and are responsible for an accident, BIL insurance pays for the victim's injuries up to the policy limit. Bodily injury liability also helps pay for legal costs.

Types of Auto Insurance

In no-fault states like Florida, when someone gets into an accident, their car insurance pays their medical bills up to the policy's limits. The required PIP insurance covers your passengers if they don't have PIP. Passengers with PIP are covered by their own policy. Similarly, you are covered by PIP if you ride with someone else. There are additional coverage types to help protect you from financial losses in case of an accident.

Comprehensive coverage pays damages to your vehicle that aren't accident-related, such as scratches due to vandalism. Meanwhile, collision insurance coverage accident-related damages to your vehicle. Some insurer's offer towing and labor, rental and roadside assistance coverage in their policies as well.

Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage pays for damages caused by drivers with no insurance or inadequate insurance coverage.

Contact Old Town Insurance today to find out more about auto insurance coverage and how best to protect your family and vehicle in the event of an accident.

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